Best 5 Food for Healthy Skin Tips

You are what you eat is important for your health and skin. The Foods that are good for health can safely be taken as the best foods for healthy skin as well.
This is another food that is rich in anti-oxidants and so will have the same skin-boosting benefits that the cantaloupe will give to you.
If you want to get your Vitamin A but you aren’t that big of a fan of leafy green vegetables then you may want to turn to carrots to improve your skin with this vitamin.
3: Whole Grains :
Fill your lunch each day with a serving or two of whole grains, which contain zinc, a nutrient that may help combat acne.
4: Water
And don’t forget about your daily water intake. Keep a water bottle handy at work, on-the-go and during exercise to keep your body adequately hydrated.
5: Green Leafy Vegetables
Green Leafy Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, including zinc which are great for maintaining a healthy glow to your skin.

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